Perceptual/intrinsic control of naturally developing fundamental actions, such as ingesting, breathing, communicating non-verbally, maintaining posture/balance, directing the head and eyes, reaching, catching, manipulating, walking, running, flying; and within the body, guiding the movement of cells, such as neurons and wound-healing cells.
When out walking natural skills are evident all around. (von Hofsten & Lee 1982) |
A gannet diving into the sea and a person leaping to punch a dropping ball tau-guide their movements in a similar way. (Lee & Reddish 1981 and Lee et al 1983) |
A pigeon landing on a perch tauD-guides its movement in a similar way to a driver stopping at an obstacle. (Lee et al 1993 and Lee 1976) |
When turning to look at a moving object the gaze line, the eyes and the head are all tauG-guided. (Lee 2009) |