Perception, Movement, Action Banner University of Edinburgh



Intrinsic Basis of Action



Intrinsic processes entailed in the perceptual/intrinsic control of action. Topics include: sensory guidance of cells such as neurons and wound-healing cells; neural mechanisms and formulae of movement (e.g., tauG) for controlling actions; function of the cerebellum, motor cortex, parietal cortex, barrel fields and mirror neurons in the control of action.


Generation of intrinsic tau-guides tauD and tauG. They are the taus of gaps which close, respectively, with constant deceleration and constant acceleration, as when a ball bounces. TauD-guidance is equivalent to keeping the rate of change of tau constant. (Lee 2009)
Humming bird closing the action-gap, ag, to dock on a feeder. The bird sometimes used tauD-guidance (Lee et al 1991), sometimes tauG-guidance (Delafield-Butt et al 2010)
Tracks of paramecia swimming toward a cathode. The paramecia tauD-guided the closure of the gap to the cathode, resulting in approximately equiangular spiral paths. (Delafield-Butt et al 2011)
TauG wavelets generated in monkey motor and parietal cortices when reaching for a target. The coloured rising and falling sections of the wavelets were all tauG-guided, as was the reach. (Lee et al 2011)